Toeing the Line Between Baby and Toddler | Folly Beach, SC Milestone Mini Session

We spent an early morning photographing this beautiful little girl and her wonderful parents at Folly Beach during sunrise. 

We arrived first thing at Folly Beach before the sun was coming up over the horizon for our beach  session. It was a gorgeous sight and the light was perfect.

I previously photographed this little girl for her nine month milestone session. Look how she has grown!

She is such a serious little soul. You can see it in her sweet face that she is thoughtful and pensive.

She would get brave enough to splash in the water, but then to run to mommy for a snuggle when the waves came in a little too fast. 

As she got more comfortable, she loved to point out the birds.

She is right at the age where she is toeing the line of baby and independent toddler. It is such a lovely and bittersweet transition and capturing this stage is such a privilege.

Baby at the Beach | Folly Beach, South Carolina

This particular morning at Folly Beach was pretty amazing. It was overcast which gave the beach a smooth, pastel look. Baby P was a trooper despite cutting several teeth and she really came out of her shell once we let her enjoy some freedom. Eating sand and crawling all over the beach - a perfect morning for this sweet thing. 

Want to book a beach session for your little? Don't wait! They're only this little once. Email me: so we can start planning! 

Newborn Session in Silverdale, WA

When these three boys walked into my studio, I knew I was in for... a whirlwind? But seriously, these boys were so sweet. We had to use some magic to keep biggest brother in the studio, marshmallows to keep middle brother interested, and like most newborns, milk to keep the littlest sleepy. The boys did awesome and I love how light and delicate this session turned out. 

Breastfeeding Session at Howe Farm in Port Orchard, WA

I first met Dalis when we did a quick maternity session before her little guy made his appearance. I think it was just a few days later that I got the "he's here!" text from an excited dad. A week later, Seeley was the best baby during his newborn session. We got back together to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week with a special nursing session at Howe Farm in Port Orchard. 

About half way through editing her session, I sent Dalis an email saying "you should always nurse sitting on a tree in the middle of a field." I mean, seriously, how gorgeous is she? 

Between gushing over these images, you should also read the great things Dalis has to say about motherhood. 

"My first few nights of breastfeeding were spent in a hospital NICU. There isn't the sense of comfort you get from being in your own home. There's no dim lights or soft music, just the hum of machines and beeping of monitors. By the time I got home with my son, I was completely confident in my ability to breastfeed."

"Don't give up! It's difficult, frustrating and sometimes painful, but I promise it gets better and easier. Do your research and take advantage of the tools provided, like a lactation consultant. Even if you know what you're doing, having a professional give you reassurance is confident boosting."

"My favorite part about being a mom is knowing that no matter what, my son will love me. Even when I feel like I'm failing or messing up, I look at my son and see this smiley happy baby who thinks I am the world. He has opened my heart and mind to what is important in life."

"I hope that he will follow his dreams and won't let anyone hold him back, including me. I hope that he will be compassionate and caring towards others, young and old, and set a good example for others."

Kasen | Newborn Photography in Bremerton, WA

World, meet Kasen.


Kasen and his big brother arrived at my Bremerton studio ready to party! Big brother, Wesley, worked the camera while Kasen filled up on milk and got settled in. 


We started off his studio session with some amazing open eye pictures and detailed shots. After some momma cuddles and even more milk, Kasen finally decided he was ready to snooze his session away. 





6 Month Milestone Session in Silverdale, WA

When a six month old arrives at the studio you never really know what you're going to get. The second I opened the front door, Oliver flashed me the biggest gummy smile and I knew we were going to be just fine. 

six month milestone session Silverdale Wa

This was such a fun six month milestone session! Oliver brought his mommy and daddy along and they were awesome. At one point, mom and dad were dancing with a dog and Oliver was loving every second of it. My studio was just the way I like it - full of love and happy babies. 

6 month milestone silverdale, wa

Thank you for allowing me to capture Oliver at 6 months. Those bright blue eyes could melt anyone into a puddle. I've been told a happy baby is a reflection of a happy home. I don't think anyone could deny your baby is well loved. I cannot wait to see Oliver again for his 9 month milestone session! 